Warning Signals

Carcinoma of the breast can be detected by self-examination of the breast. All women above 30 years of age are advised to learn self-examination of the breast. This examination becomes essential in nulliparous women and in the women having positive family history of breast cancer. Self-examination of the breast is recommended every month immediately after the menstrual period, when the breasts are soft. If a lump is found in the breast, the lady must consult an oncologist. Clinical examination of the breast is recommended every third year to all women below forty years of age and every year to all the women above forty years of age. Mammography is recommended every year to all the women above forty years of age to detect breast cancer at an early stage.

All women above 35 years of age are advised to undergo Pap test every year to detect cancer of the cervix. The Pap test was developed by George Pappainecolau of Cornell University in 1928 and has been extensively used since 1943. This is a simple test, in which microscopic examination of the cervical cells is conducted. The Pap test has already saved the lives of thousands of women all over the world.

Endometrial tissue biopsy is recommended to all the high-risk women at the age of menopause to detect cancer of the uterus.

To detect cancer of the ovaries, annual pelvic examination is recommended to all women during the childbearing age to detect cancer of the ovary.

Cancer of the oral cavity is common among tobacco-chewers & smokers. Any non-healing ulcer on the tongue or in the mouth (especially in tobacco-chewers & smokers) should be suspected of cancer.

Endoscopic examination is recommended to those patients of peptic ulcer who develop haematemesis or start losing weight, to detect any sign of stomach cancer. Regular gastric washings should also be examined in all the suspected cases of stomach cancer to detect it at the earliest.

Digital rectal examination is recommended to all the persons above forty years of age to detect cancer of the rectum. It is to be repeated every year thereafter. Faecal examination for occult blood should be done in all the persons above fifty years of age to detect colorectal cancer. A person having complaints of unusual rectal bleeding and resistant diarrhoea or constipation should undergo digital rectal examination, sigmoidoscopy and barium enema to detect the colorectal cancer.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) estimations are recommended to all the men above fifty years of age (to be repeated every year) to detect cancer of the prostate. Digital rectal examination is also helpful in detecting prostatic cancer and is advised to all the men above fifty years of age.

Cystoscopy is recommended to all the patients having haematuria to detect any sign of urinary bladder cancer.

Haemogram and bone marrow cytology should be performed in all the suspected cases of leukaemia.

To detect a cancer in an early stage, regular medical check-ups including Biochemistry, X-rays, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT scan) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are recommended to all the high-risk persons.